They handled everything SO well, I was so proud of them...couldn*t stop smiling the whole car ride just because of how cute and well behaved they were.
~ People warned me the cats would most likely have a fit...scratch at their cage walls, spray, meow, puke...but no...little angels <3
Running on 2 hours of sleep (due to the sleepover I had w/ Taryn & Kaitlin...well worth it of course)...and the blueberries I had picked the day before with Mom, Ben and Deanna...we made it to VA with only one quick stop for Rambo :]
We made such great time...(and got there using only 3/4 tank of gas...{love my car so much}...)...UNTIL...we got 10 minutes from our final destination and hit traffic...which kept us in the car another hour.
Finally found the house and DJ waiting for us!!
Let Rambo and the cats explore...hung my Anthropology shower curtain to make me feel more at home...and then we headed out to get some groceries so Dj would have lunch the next day.
~Right next to the grocery store was a restaurant called we figured they would deff have sushi and we both hadn't eaten, so we went...crazy place...crazy food...the kind where they give you a display of different foods but you have no idea what anything is {nothing on the menu was explained in English} was interesting to say the least...and they sent us away with two little bottles of this surly poisonous drink concoction of: water, high fructose corn syrup, sugar, glucose, powdered milk, flavor and sucralose. My kind of drink. Yikes!!
This morning the blk eyed peas woke us up, Dj got ready for work and I made his breakfast and lunch like a good girl and sent him on his merry he left he said: "Ok babe, I don*t know when I*m gonna get out today...probably 6 or 7"...
...I thought to*s only 6am now...I have a LOONGGG time on my hands alone...freaked out for about 3 seconds and then realized I will have a job soon and then that wont be a problem...( except for Rambo:{ ) Maybe we can make him a doggy door so he can go play out back whenever he wants to???
So then I went around opening back up all the windows Dj had shut the night before...
The light in this house is great...and now the sounds that stream through our windows are of birds instead of cars and trucks...LOVE IT!!
I decided to see if I could luck out and find any internet connection on my lap top---what do you know---thank you Belkin N638!!....opened up GoogleEarth and started to orient myself. I panned the area for nature centers, animal shelters, and other job ideas...{found a great looking off-leash dog park for Rambo}...then I started looking to see what grocery stores were close by...I found my 2 all time favorites from when I lived in CT!!!! Whole Foods and Trader Joe*s right down the road!!! Got WAYYY too excited about that..then looked for the closest mall...

FOUND IT. They have every store you*ve ever heard of as well as my favorite...:FreePeople:
After that,I located the nearest Chipotle and Target and found the top rated sushi place near us and marked them all on the map...liking this decision more and more by the minute.
As promised, here are some pictures of Rambo outside & the girls in their club house...
Lots to do...and can*t wait till the VanA*s arrive tonight!!!
Much love!