The upsetting thing is that I couldn*t take pix of every when you read through them, some of them dont flow or make sense...but if you pull back on each one and just focus on what each page is will understand. I*ll try to fill in the parts I missed for you...
It starts off by saying how "Im sorry, I*m guessing you picked up this book bc you thought it would have all the answers...well it has questions instead..." my heart sank like they were expecting it to...haha...bc everyone i know already has gone over those questions in their head a million times...for me at least...a million times each day! But...Bc of the cute pictures...I continued onward...
How AMAZING to think AMAZING that fact really is...we really are made up of the exact same just gave me a feeling of empowerment...i don't think anyone gives themselves enough credit for what they are truly capable of...
It goes on to say just that...why do we cut ourselves so short?...why do we marvel at great mountains or things that are larger than life..."powerful people in powerful stars...huge skyscrapers or waterfalls..." when it is the little things that make all this possible and it is the little things that make the BIGGEST difference...he shows a picture of an ant...
He goes on to list the different popular opinions or suggestions to the answer of the meaning of reproduce, to learn...etc...but then goes on to say that all these circle around comes down to love.
(That one just touched me and sent chills down my spine) The fact that no matter how down you may feel at certain*s that fire in your heart...even if its dwindled down to a minuscule flame...that slowly and calmly talks to you and tells you that it still believes in you and believes you can make your dreams come KNOWS you deserve happiness and are 100% capable of grasping it and holding it for eternity if you just don*t give up.
It talks about how rewarding it is to just help someone else who may feel down or may be struggling... says some people just have to go to a quiet place and think...ask themselves truly..what makes them the happiest...what has in the past? Doing what in the past has made you the most happy? Do you want that again?...It says to some...this question is already known...easy...and for is very hard...(me, i thought)...instead of saying the usual..."give it time" tells you to take this seriously...focus on this question as if your life depended on it..."bc it does"...and REALLY ask yourself what would make you happy in your opinion RIGHT NOW??...
Pretty powerful stuff...*i was going to include one of my favorite quotes of mine that i had forgotten about till now...but i will wait till the end.
It*s hard to admit, but God, this guy is RIGHT on.
He pulls back a little and goes on to calm is so important to go for you dreams...but pay just as much attention to the everyday...HERE AND NOW...have fun with it...DO what you have fun with...DO what makes you HAPPY EACH DAY...whether it be dancing, singing, cooking, hiking, crafting, painting, being with your family...
DONT get mad at yourself for waiting so long to go after what you love...and DONT get mad at yourself if while attempting to reach your dreams you meet some setbacks...
This was also a big one for me...bc i always felt so torn between what i thought my dreams were...and which to go for...and really does take inner focus and silence within yourself...really ask yourself...what is it...I want to do...and wait for an answer...wait. if you have to ask yourself again...ask. And wait.
He goes on to talk further about how once you get the answer...dont let anything stop matter how crazy your idea may have impossible it may seem...dont let any event, or person stand in your way...find your way around it...THERE IS ALWAYS A WAY AROUND IT!!...
Really let that sink in...bc it makes SO much sense.
It*s true. Everyone wants to leave this planet feeling like their life was "MEANINGFUL" like they made a difference...This is much easier to do than you think. You may think well...I want to impact people by the thousands...I want my voice heard...I want to be able to help the entire CAN. Even if it*s simply by knocking over that first domino. Knock over at least one a day...and imagine how many people you will have effected by the end of your life?? Millions. Your kindness will have changed MILLIONS of lives.
Beautiful. True. Inspiring.
And now, here is one (wait two!) of my favorite quotes I was also reminded of yesterday...sayings you must ALWAYS repeat to yourself when you are feeling weak...
"...Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly."
and...most importantly...
"GO confidently
in the direction of your dreams!!