Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Fairview Parks New Member :}

As you have all probably figured out from FB...after going through the most rigorous process (even longer and more entailed than what i had to go through to teach 1st graders)...and after interviewing with 5 different people up the totem pole...the manager of the entire Marriott offered me the position yesterday :]

Everyone who i talked to was SOSO nice and funny and they all had the same things to say, that this Marriott is everyones favorite to work at(also the best to learn and begin your career at)...they have the most easy-going yet successful employees and the managers and the owner, who stops in every x-mas and knows EVERYONES names, are all extremely friendly and understanding. As for all Marriotts, aside from the amazing benefits package, offer the ability to move up and around different branches of the company easily and quickly. In fact they encourage it to those who want to so they feel like they are always growing and always happy in their jobs.

SO i am pretty excited about the whole thing...i have orientation this coming monday and tuesday...the only thing KINDA sucky right now is that my beginning schedule will be the evening 5-11...which means...i will not see DJ at alllll. My manager said that most of his staff actually prefers to work weekends so it would probably be no problem to let me have weekends off and also that they have never turned down a request for time off. He said that there is a woman who will be going on maternity leave soon (i don't know how soon yet) but once she leaves i can have her morning shift...SO..all in all...NOT THAT BAD.

I had a wonderful time in NYC and LI with Re (and her fam)...I posted some pix on FB.

I told DJ that this is turning into the Adventures of Only Miriam page and he said that his writings would be boring bc he always does the same thing...SO...i will tell you that he is still doing amazingly...about to break personal records for the company yet again and will be hosting Paul's bachelor party camping trip*m sure he*ll be updating soon :)

Love to ALLLL!!!