{sorry everyone for my little slump b4}
Don't miss those ripped up hands! |
15 in one event {highest score is a 16 for mens events) His first event he went to he got i believe a 13.1...and we could see him from all the way across the gym freaking out jumping around...my heart just exploded with joy. There is NOTHING better than watching a loved one succeed. Especially when they are so young. I haven*t been that tense in a LONG time! Prob since MY competition days...but not even..bc this ws worse..watching him compete.
I video taped the entire thing and you can hear me talking to him {myself} about a mile a minute..."yes yes!! point your toes!!! nice!!! OOO..OO!!! straighten that leg...no...YES!! THANK YOU!!..."..etc. Gosh am i going to be mess when i have children. And the sweetest part...is that the SECOND he finished each event he would turn to us to see our reaction...once he was so excited to see my reaction that he forgot to salute the judge... It reminds me of when i used to direct the GCS performances...and after the show all the parents would come up to me and say...we could all tell EXACTLY where you were sitting...bc the kids didn*t take their eyes off you for a minute. There*s nothing better than watching children succeed and have fun.
Which brings me to a very exciting find.
....While i was home, I decided to box up all the cds and cassette tapes out in my mom*s living room....WELL...i found a bunch of my old cassettes ... mix taped made for me with so much love by very special friends...{you know who you are} and my old mary-kate and ashley "i am the cute one" tape....an old bert and ernie best hits tape...WELL...we no longer had a cassette PLAYER that worked BUT i did make a list of all my favorite childhood songs for my friend jason to download for me...i cannot WAIT to be able to listen to them every day....actually i couldn't really wait and sang them as i fell asleep last night. It*S CRAZY...how you can not hear a song for ..what? over 15 years....but you remember EVERY word...
...I ALSO got to surprise one of my best friends Amanda for her 24th B-DAY celebration!!! It was amazing to get to make it and be there...and while we were out...i literally bumped into my old room mate Kim!!!! We literally stared at each other dumbfounded for at least two long minutes b4 we instantly cried and squeezed for a long period of time. LOL. I*m so glad to see her doing well. Afterrr that night of dancing and such we went back to amanda*s...made a fort in her living room..and snuggled with her kitten as we fell asleep to sleeping beauty. The NEXT day i got amanda ready for her Snow white photoshoot with Glenn and Brooke...It was straight up americas neXt top model scenario photo shoot...

where amanda sucked it up and posed in negative 15 degree weather and even finished off laying in the snow {after she had been poisoned by the apple} I wish people could have seen what the rest of us behind the scenes looked like....COVERED in layers of clothing and also draped with props and blankets that we would throw over her in between takes.
It was an extrodinary trip...OH i also got to go in a snow igloo and went sledding and had a roll down the hill fastest competition...AND found out some very exciting news...but i dont think i can post about it yet...
...have to go now...going to devour some banana and blueberry pancakes!