Tuesday, October 19, 2010

It all comes together eventually...have patience with life and most importantly, yourself

YESTERDAY. oohhh yesterday. OK, well...I finally cried. LOL. Anndddd...well, let me explain.

I go to work...doing the usual thing...shadowing Carolina, also checking guests in myself...and Ameina, one of the supervisors, pulls me aside and says, Miriam, I*ve been watching you, and you are ready to do this all on your own. It*s the only way i feel you will learn everything...if you keep relying on Carolina, this learning process will take you forever. At first...i was a little panicked...i thought i still had at least another week of shadowing...i still felt there was SO much i hadn*t learned yet. And with all the things going on in my head about missing my friends and missing my family...i guess i walked into the back room looking a little out of it...my friends asked me what was wrong...i said nothing, but they kept pressing me...are you sure bc it*s ok to cry...it*s pretty much a rule that you have to cry during training some time...anndddd that was it..alllll the emotions in side from the past...oh...3 months came tumbling out...into one huge tear. I couldn*t hold it back. One of the girls took me downstairs to the break room and we talked...and i come to hear yet again....that i am not alone in the way i am feeling. It seems like every person i work with was or is in a similar situation to me...moving here, away from family, away from friends, even looking for wedding dresses alone. Not knowing how to give directions to the guests...and having to rely on google maps...feeling completely lost the first month of work, and things even deeper as well....
.....after i collected myself and came back upstairs Ameina pulled me into one of the offices and told me i had better cry again....and this time...not hold back. HAHA. She asked me what my story was....i told her...then she told me hers. It was one of those moments. Really, the people i work with....care more about how you are feeling and how you are doing in life...than how you do your job.
I think we all understand each other...and it really connects us. I really love people, and i really love hearing THEIR stories...and feel so honored that i get to hear them. ANYWAY...after the tears, Ameina tells me that she talked to Reza, and the new plan was that she was going to lock us both away in the office and she was actually going to train me...until i understood EVERYTHING and felt 100% comfortable doing everything on my own. I felt a huge wash of relief run over me...
and that*s just what we did...she went step by step, over everything...and then had me do everything in front of her. EVERYTHING MADE SENSE. FINALLY. The feeling of gratitude i felt yesterday was like non other...and by the end of the night we were both smiling from ear to ear. We did not have time to learn a few other programs Marriott uses, but i believe we will cover that today.

All this, combined with a reality check/inspirational e-mail, made me remember a lot of things i had some how forgotten recently.
There are still things inside myself i can*t come to terms with exactly yet...but i think i have an idea how to deal with them...

But for now...i have to live in the moment...each and every one...and like someone wise once told me... (more like...reminded me 59739483478982337 times)..."The mind is a VERY powerful tool. Use it to your advantage and only allow positive thoughts to enter it. (You really can control what you allow to enter your mind.)"

Sunday, October 17, 2010

what to say....??

Hello there, I*m here but i*m not....

DJ, Rambert & I went biking from Iwo Jima through the National Mall today...(why do they call it a mall???) (now i have to look up the actual definition)

1: a usually public area often set with shade trees and designed as a promenade or as a pedestrian walk

...ok then...now i see.

ANYWAY...it was nice...Rambo was so happy and I just get SOOO happy seeing him get the exercise he deserves.
It*s ALSO great that his happiness is so contagious that i think he must have made over 500 people smile today...like...huge smiles...teeth smiles... :D

The job...
so i made it through my first week of actual on the job training...anddd...it is SO stressful still...
It seems like everyday i remember a little more, but i feel like i*ve NEVER learned at such a slow pace before which is what's killing me.

SO many things that DO make me happy...are so far away. My friends and families lives are passing me right by...and while we text all day everyday...it makes me so sad i can*t see them in person and BE adventuring with them...and celebrating WITH them as all sorts of good things in life occur.

We miss birthdays, we miss anniversaries, we miss outings, first days, last days, hospital visits, first steps, family dinners...we miss holiday outings, gymnastics competitions...and on and on and on...
...this is just not what we pictured, not what we signed up for. We are missing whats MOST important to us. And slowly it is tearing us down. YES we laugh, yes we explore...but...well, i don*t really know what else to say about it, and complaining isn*t going to make anything better.

Alright...sorry this wasn*t as uplifting as i wish it could have been. I*m just in a bad place with myself right now. Trying to understand things. Try to make sense of things. Trying to justify things in my head.
Hope everyone else is well...

On the UP side...this weekend we will get to see some of the family...and celebrate Paul & Cat's wedding together.