These people...are SO cheerful, SO friendly, SO inspiring.
They greet each other in the hallways, they walk without fear.
I checked in one married couple {blind}who had two absolutely beautiful little girls who could see...i couldnt imagine never being able to see your childrens faces...i couldnt imagine how challenging it must be to raise children without the help of sight. Life is challenging enough as it is...add on not being able to see...i dont know..something must happen to your spirit.
I was watching a documentary at lunch actually where a male was born without he is a pro wrestler. He can take on the wrestlers with limbs and win. Can you even imagine.
THIS is the power of determination. THIS is the power of the human spirit and the mind.
These people know what they want...they have un-faultering confidence, they dont let others bring them down, they dont let challenges scare them....Inspiring...

{One of my favorite paintings by Thomas Kinkade. He just gets it...he gets EXACTLY what is inside me...when i think of the perfect holiday, or the perfect life...i picture living in one of his paintings...where everyone gets together and everything is warm and traditions are upheld and neighbors love and care for each other}
Soooo...the holidays are fast approaching, anddd Dj and i have fought long and hard and finally got SOME days off to get home and see*s going to go by SO extremely fast...we have both been keeping ours eyes open for jobs back upstate incase anything cool pops up...but i loOks like we very well may be sticking it out at least till our lease is up...we shall seeeee....we will certainly need to stock up on a little extra cash since we will be spending so much on gifts....anyway...cant wait to see everyone!