We must be the SLOWEST people at making decisions bc we were at the furnature store for about three and a half hours trying to make up our mind on which bed set to get. And every time we would make a decsicion...Dj would say..."well maybe we should just leave and go to IKEA again." And then I would say..."but babe, we've been there about 5 times now and come away without it for one reason or another...I dont think we really want that one or we would have taken it..." "oh yeaa"
The set we FINALLY chose will be ready for us to pick up today (hopefully)so we will be able to pick it up and set it all up tonight...
I leave for CT Wednesday I believe and then visit NY...then back to CT to drop my JettaBaby off :*{ I*ll most likely cry when I leave her. She*s been one outstanding driving machiene. [Jason @ BMW would kill me if he heard me call a Jetta a driving machiene, but u know what Jason..she WAS..and she will be missed]
I start Nannying the 26th...THAT will be great...not feeling useless...