Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Drinking Airborne Like It*s My Job...

Hey everyoneee....I apologize for the video...i was trying to RUSH through it and Rambo was also distracting me while i was talking...so i think i said "like" and "um" WAAYYYY too many times....(i thought i had conquered that habit yrs ago!!!) So again..SORRY! And no mom, that*s not how i talk at work or on a regular basis.

So today was day #2
Shorter day but it kinda crept by bc it was a diff woman running it and she wasn*t as perky and she was also sick and i literally FELT the germs entering my system so each passing moment had be wanting to get out of that closed in room...took a tour of the entire place...probably met and shook hands with over 60 people...so as SOON as i got out i went to the store and picked up some airborne (and dog food) - oh...while i was meeting people, a few of the people in charge told me that they were very happy to meet the new employee that there is such excitement over!...so i took that as a good thing :)

I go in tomorrow to begin my ACTUAL training...it*s one of the first jobs i*ve ever had where you actually GET assigned FULL days of training for your position. I*ve always gotten...ok, welcome...get to work...figure it out...so this is...idk! good?!

Thats it for now!!! MWAA!!!

P.S. I don*t remember if i posted yet or not about the fact that i get 2 free meals a day while at work...how amazing is that?! THAT in it*s self will save me so much money and time!! SCORE.

Monday, October 4, 2010

First "Fire Side Chat"*...

...that could only be done by our Halloween candles since it was our 1st attempt at starting a fire in the fireplace...and THAT resulted in the house filling with smoke and the fire alarm going off....

* I remember the first time i learned about Roosevelt's Fire Side Chats...i thought...it i were president...i would re-instate the fire side chat...i would broadcast to the entire world what was actually at hand and on america's plate...explain to them in short why certain laws were being passed and use it to not only keep the world informed (instead of truly clueless) as well as use the broadcast to bring certain causes to their attention...so we could all be connected and work together...

...I was really happy and surprised when i saw Obama do a kind of fire side chat to America...it was KINDA like what i had in mind...

...ANYWAY....i am NOT the president...but this is the BLOGS first broadcast :) TEEHEE!!