Hey everyoneee....I apologize for the video...i was trying to RUSH through it and Rambo was also distracting me while i was talking...so i think i said "like" and "um" WAAYYYY too many times....(i thought i had conquered that habit yrs ago!!!) So again..SORRY! And no mom, that*s not how i talk at work or on a regular basis.
So today was day #2
Shorter day but it kinda crept by bc it was a diff woman running it and she wasn*t as perky and she was also sick and i literally FELT the germs entering my system so each passing moment had be wanting to get out of that closed in room...took a tour of the entire place...probably met and shook hands with over 60 people...so as SOON as i got out i went to the store and picked up some airborne (and dog food) - oh...while i was meeting people, a few of the people in charge told me that they were very happy to meet the new employee that there is such excitement over!...so i took that as a good thing :)
I go in tomorrow to begin my ACTUAL training...it*s one of the first jobs i*ve ever had where you actually GET assigned FULL days of training for your position. I*ve always gotten...ok, welcome...get to work...figure it out...so this is...idk! good?!
Thats it for now!!! MWAA!!!
P.S. I don*t remember if i posted yet or not about the fact that i get 2 free meals a day while at work...how amazing is that?! THAT in it*s self will save me so much money and time!! SCORE.
haha the title at first confused me. I'm like.. she's drinking whilst airborne? hmmm... anyway... Although it's all very exciting, I already know all of this because we skyped for so long yesterday. So can't wait to here how your first day of actual training went! =] YAY! TTyl xoxo