...mmm...don*t really know what to say...work is work. I only see Dj when it*s dark outside...i think my schedules finally changing but for the worse...i*m pretty sure i wont be getting every weekend off anymore...something has to be done soon...things get really slow at the hotel for the next few months so maybe ill take an extra day off a week so maybe i can see DJ at least once... or maybe not? i guess we*re here to work and save money so thats what i should do....

...the leaves here are not as impressive as the ones in NY that we saw last weekend...but maybe ours just haven*t hit their peek yet. I found the most amazing place in NY where if i ever moved back...i would ABSOLUTELY have to look into one way or another...for work or play...it*s called OMEGA and it*s a wellness retreat center...they practice and teach sustainable living...and have famous inspirational speakers from all over the world come. They have beautiful yoga, dance and art centers and everything you could ever imagine....an amazing spa....gardens...i need to go some time!

In my head right now...i would love to finish up 6 months here and then move back to NY for another 4 or 5 years. It would give me time to be there for big changes that come with things my and my friends age...i want to be there for them...the good and the bad moments...and i want to have children closer to family. The place i am looking at is right around omega actually and about an hour from CT and about 45 mins from home in NY...so it*s pretty perfect...well it might be better if it were a little closer to both but that*s just not possible...lol. The town is pretty much the closest thing one could ever find to matching stars hollow...and if you don*t know what that is then you just wont understand but it makes me EXTREMELY happy to think about.
So in your opinion is Omega as close to S.H. as you can find or is the town near Omega the one you were talking about? Kate and I have always wanted a S.H. of our own, but have never found anything even close (maybe Middleburg but it was a ways off).