SO!!..there are mountains and oceans of things to talk about since last post... and of course I will end up forgetting most of the things I wanted to write about.
The BIGGEST news is that BrookGlenn and Roxy have officially made the move to VIRGINIA!!! Dj & I drove up to NY friday night and finished packing all their belongings into the trailer and we all caravaned it back to VA Sunday afternoon.
There is MUCH to say about them moving in and the actual process..so before i begin that...i will first wrap up my adventures in NY while i was up!
*All day Saturday I had a photo shoot for Kaitlin Marion Aesthetics and Sweetleaf Boutique....

I was booked for another photoshoot in March for Bliss and Sweetleafs Spring collection...this time with a much bigger crew...that should be a lot of fun.. AND gives me more motivation to drop these extra pounds i*ve accumulated and tone up!!

*Which brings me to how excited i am to have a live-in gym buddy!!!

There is SO much in store for all of us...and WHILE all this has been going on...Amanda has been sending us pix of HER adventure in Texas!! I ALSO just heard from Aunt Jo who told me her and Pete {and prob the rest of the fam?} have been traveling all about scoping out possible colleges for Peter!!! AHAHASHSDKLHDOHIDHHHH IT BLOWS MY MIND!!! My little man is going to be in college soon....and every time i think about it I get tears in my eyes!!! It*s crazy!! I wish I could see him and sit and talk with him about all this exciting stuff....You know...THAT*S IT!...I*m going to force that kid into SKYPING with me...bc i can*t miss this!!
Speaking of colleges..Brooke and I can*t wait to drive over to her college and pick up some Johns Hopkins sweats!!
I have a lot more to say but I must be going for now....
...i has no adventures...