*I would also like to note that to get into the ITTY BITTY spot behind Sams car i had to parrallel park...something ive had to do in real life MAYBE once prior?? It took me about 36 back and forths but i got in!!
....during lunch i realized that it was Sams b~day the NEXT DAY!!! {im SO BADDD at remembering dates and birthdays!!!) After we both went on a hunt for glass containers... (bc i decided the thing that would cheer me up would be a glass jar for the oxyclean?????) i told her she had to come to the NRA range with DJ and i that night and then sleepover....SO on our way to the range in the pouring rain...we*re having a discussion about how great it is to have a car and how the bus system here is kinda crappy...BOOMM!!!! We hit a curb....(in VA they randomly put mini curb-dividers on some turning lanes...and DJ flew over it and...dented the rim and messed up the suspension...SOOO over the past couple days we*ve been busy doing damage control...I was at enterprise feeling a tad sorry for myself and then reality walked in the door...a man came in and asked the woman for a black van...she said wow...you*re a very lucky man, we very rarly have any vans at this facility! He said...well, i dunno, my mother just died and i have to take her home...
...WHAT?!?! first of all the looks on mine and the womans face went blank..and we both felt horrible. The man was still smiling and all...and had previously been joking around with us...but gosh....i could deffinatly be in their renting a car for a much worse reason.
OH...also...got a call in the car on my way to meet Sam for lunch from a woman i had submitted a resume to ..more than 5 months ago....she said...a position JUST OPENED...TOLD ME ALL ABOUT IT..I COULD ONLY HALF LISTEN BC I WAS STILL trying to figure out who i was talking to and where this place was...(NY, CT, VA?)...i thanked her, told her i was in va now and we had our lese till at least june 24th...she said to check out the website again and get back to her...went home...checked it out---remembered how amazing the place was...UGH!! Then got a message from a friend that told me the place she works at that i had applied to 5 months ago was looking for someone...AWESOME....so yea....that was all super helpful!
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