The wedding was absolutely beautiful...SO detailed, so thought out...there was just SO much to it...i mean, the shower, the bach party, the rehearsal dinner, the wedding, the after party, the after luncheon... EVERY ONE of them was detailed out to the max. Cats mom planned most of it... i can see now why she has been so stressed out!!
I couldn*t have had a better time spent with Brooke and Glenn, we just had a ball...and i needed it so much. {I didn*t really see dj that much bc he had many best man duties to fulfill, but he had an awesome time too}
After the lunch the next day we took off to meet Brooke, Glenn, Dean and Patty in Atlantic city. It was my first time and was like...a grown ups, dirty disney world?? I*ve never been a casino person, and every time i go into one or around one i remember why. im a slight germaphobe in general...
Yesterday we woke up exhausted...but ventured out to a new dog park i looked up that*s pretty much right down the road from was great...waterfalls everywhere and a dog park and it just reminded me of back in the woods back home so it made me happy.
i*m heading back to work in a few short hours...really just don*t understand work...the point, the concept. I always thought i would ONLY do a job i LOVED...i dont understand doing anything but that... i don*t know where i got it in my mind that that was how it was supposed to be... but....i*m learning fast that it*s not like that. I don*t know how long i can work a job where i see my only friend here one day a week if i*m not scheduled. What do i even have to look forward to? I dunno, hopefully something will change. It pretty much has to. Or ill lose whatever mind i have left. Crossing my fingers that we both get this weekend off so we can be with fam and friends this holiday.
First off!
ReplyDeleteYou are so right, the details WERE amazing. What a great time we got to have, and believe me, we needed it too!
So happy that you guys got to spend a little time with us in AC, if I could frolic on the beach with you both on a daily basis, I think that would just make my life complete.
By the way, love that my sweater makes me look like I have a fluffy tail. Creeeepy.
Furthermore, I love that you find dog parks. Rambo must have SO much fun!!
I think that the main goal in life, for most of us, is to find a job that we love. I think for the most part though, we have to deal with the crappy ones while we are young that we don't like. Ya know, for life experience purposes and all that jazz. Finding a job you love will come in time. You can't always hold out for that perfect job because of money, which is unfortunate. I'd love to live in a world where we all didn't have to work up until the point of when we find our dream job.
I guess for now, just gotta push through. You'll find it someday.