x~mas...we got to go home and got to deliver the gifts i was so excited to finally find on e-bay for my brother and sister...had a great time there with mom, steve and ben and the dogs...Mo the hotdog dog was just cracking me up the entire time...for some reason this time he fell helplessly in love with me from the moment i walked in and would follow me around and sit staring up at me...not blinking..with such a emotional expression...i asked mom what in the world was going on with him..she said...maybe you should go down to his level..so i laid down on the floor and he instantly climbed his long tummy over my face...and laid there. i started cracking up of course and he turned his neck...licked me 3 times and then covered my face better so i could not get any laughter out...of course this made me laugh harder and he just continued this for about 20 minutes when my stomach hurt so badly from laughing that i had to get up....

ANYWAY...i thought it was hysterical..but i guess it was a had-to-be-there moment. SO then, we had the 1st VanAlstyne x-mas party which was fun, then had x-mas...got more gifts than i deserved from everyone...{i am honestly SO grateful and was just so taken back by how generous the VanA family is all the time..i am SO lucky to have come into such an amazing family...not just for the generosity of course but for the acceptance and love they show.)
Brooke and I got all bundled up and tracked down some sleds and went sledding....!!! Nothing tops sledding i tell u...i dont care about your snow boards or skiis...sledding tops them all...and there wasnt too much snow so it was prime sledding conditions bc it was easy to run back up the hills...after sledding we tried to slide around on the ice...wasnt as slippery as we hoped but we had fun...:)

Sooo...SOOO much eating occurred during this holiday..even MORE than usual...an almost deathly amount of good food and wine was consumed...ahhh now im so hungry!!! Then the second Vanalstyne party...MORE food...all around good time at home...then we sadly had to leave...got about an hour into our trip home...made it about 5 miles...and had to turn around...SNOW DAY!!! So we got to spend one extra night snuggling up and watching movies with the fam :)

THENN.. came NEW YEARS EVE... and we got surprise guests BrookGlenn and Roxy!!!
I pretty much felt like death [this picture --------> is of a homeless dude who we watched ride down the 2nd longest escalator in the world on his butt..and just stayed there sitting at the bottom..it was funny] from a couple days prior but i still tried to suck it up enough to try to be as fun as possible...we went out to old town alexandria for their fireworks and lights and laser show...before the show we all made the mistake of drinking too much and then filling up on HardTimes famous chili....but still...good time...and it was just SO great to have them around...MISS THEM!!! I made a bunch of resolutions and so far i have stuck to each one..and they all make me feel great...
what else?...i dont think i should keep paying for my gym membership..it*s 50 a month and i honestly can do all the workouts at home if i wanted to...and i dont stay and use all the facilities they have like i should that i would if i had a gf who went with me....soo..i feel like i should save money and cancel?? i dunno..any thoughts? bc i think i would even stick to a workout schedule more if i just did it at home bc thats easier to fit in and is less time consuming...
what else?!...i spent all day on the phone with verizon fios today...i HATE THEM....they are TERRIBLE at problem solution as well as costumer service...
Annnddd finally...dj and i need to cut back on our spending...yes the holidays are always expensive..but the whole reason for our move was to bank tons of money..and we are just not...maybe bc of all the weddings when we first moved here and then we bought at least one big item for the house every month..hmmmm..
i have been told by at least 4 people in the past month that i remind them of Rapunzel from Tangled...THAT statement makes me VERY happy...bc i LOVE her...and 2 people have said i remind them of Reese Witherspoon (in her new movie?) ..this..i will also take as a compliment..although i have not seen the movie.
I have more to say i guess...but i feel like this is getting too long...
}}I hope everyones holiday season was filled to the top with love and laughter...and hope you feel inspired for this new year ahead!!
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