Spring is about starting fresh..or blowing off the dust that has collected over the winter...
Dj and I have been outside every day mowing, trimming, fertilizing, watering, mulching and everything else to try to get our house in Spring shape since we have decided to stay another year. Here she is below with her shutters freshly painted! For those of you "got to" experience her with her burnt-orange-poop colored shutters...well..you understand how much this excites us. Please excuse the grass...We are determined to get this grass green! It was burnt to a crisp when we all moved in. :{
My mom has asked me numerous times to take pictures of the roads I travel every day (such a strange request that I would TOTALLY make to feel closer as well) So here you go Mom...I will show you more next time I see you. But do you see what I mean? We live in Candy Land at the moment. And I feel like it puts everyone in this state in a better mood...having pink and purple trees...why can't it stay forever?

Above is a picture of where I work. Don*t think I have ever posted a pic before of it! Wish you could see all the flowering trees that surround it. Gorgeous.
Below are pix from a quick trip Dj and I made on Easter to an adorable locally owned nursery/farmers market.
ABOUT THAT...{Easter that is}....HUGE NEWS...that really isn*t new news to anyone who reads this really. But we had very extra special guests...
Who were here not just for Easter at all...they were here to lock down a new HOME!!! Brooke and I instantly fell in love with one of Joe and Marci*s choices the moment we saw the pool...and it just got better and better the more we saw. Before Marci and Joe had even made their final decision Brooke and I proclaimed that we would all like one. And while I was just joking-bc I am seriously happy with our house-Brooke made that statement a reality and took one too! So in one stop we found new home turf for Marci/Joe/Max/Buddy/ZoeANDBrooke/Glenn!!
It is 4 miles from Dj and my house which is just perfect since they will be coming over all the time to use Joe's grill and let the dogs run free in our yard..and we will be going over all the time to swim in their pool!
Having them move END OF THIS MONTH is just..more than a dream come true for all of us.
This will surely shape up to be an extremely fun summer{and beyond}. Zoe is at my favorite age...I miss all my cousins being that age SO much! I have never had kids NOT be a regular part of my life - so I*m SO excited for all the funshine kids bring to return!

{Above is a celebratory ice cream run in old town}
I am also extremely happy for Brooke bc I know she has missed her sister more than anything. This is going to bring Brooke's happiness levels to an all time high. Things are seriously coming together for those Perrigos I tell ya. Brooke landed the job of her dreams, Glenn is honestly about to hit that point any day now and they are finally moving into their own place! Very exciting times for everyone! Now there are just a few people left who need to make their way south to make life perfection!!!
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