I*m not sure exactly what changed in my head...I think it was Ally passing away...but since then a great deal of fog thats been looming over my head the past few months has blown away and I am more inspired and genuinely posisitve {not just putting on a front of positivity}. There are still things I am un-certain about... but even just being honest with myself about that fact makes me feel better.
I just finished helping out with the Nutcracker here...
Being back stage again and around so many passionate people had such a nostalgic and warm feeling about it. I felt home again. Butterflies are contagious.. and everything that goes into preparing for a performance is just pure magic. Theres NOTHING else like it. It*s just the fact that you are witnessing a MILLION different pieces coming together all at once... to form something absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
Each piece has taken someone so much dedication and time and love...and then it all gets thrown together and without the other pieces it wouldn*T seem like anything...
... being part of such a beautiful and complex machiene again was absolutely fantastic. I met so many interesting and inspiring people... and to me.. that*s what life is about.... experiences like that.
Work is also going really well... because it is the holiday season and Marriott throws associate holiday parties throughout the month... i have been sent on task force {where you go and work at other properties so they are free to attend their holiday party} ...i have met the most incredibly friendly people...
♡☃Yesterday Dj and i went out hunted down our perfect X~mas tree..and honestly... it is PERFECT. I*ve never seen such a perfect tree. It is the PERFECT size... hight.. fullness... and it smells SO heavenly!!! Driving home with it we both had sap on our hands loving every sticky moment of it... we kept taking turns sniffing these slices of pine taken off the trunk of our tree... i took them home so i could use them as wintertime coasters... We also picked up pine garlands with pine cones attached and hung them over the window sills and fireplace
and swirled them around the front porch and over the door.... it makes me SO SO happy!!!!!❄ ❅ Did i mention that part of my orchard will have an x-mas tree farm attached? ;]
Today Dj and I went out to the NRA range and then spent hours picking out an awesome guitar that we got!! AND NOW... Dj is playing me Taylor Swift songs!!!!!!
What else.. what else... oh...It was DJ*s b~day! Did i even mention that?! So i tried to make that as special for him as possible and coOked these dishes that honestly impressed me to the fullest degree...i really had to pat myself on the back..i think it was just luck bc i made everything from scratch and didn*t use a recipe... Dj LOVED all his presents and it was just great to get to have off all weekend and spend it with him. Last night we went out to celebrate